Thursday 14 April 2016


Thousands of visitors are expected in Normandy, France this year as preparations are underway to pay tribute to WWII D Day and the invasion on June 6th 1944!  Wartime veterans and re-enactors will commemorate the landing of Allied troops, called Operation Overlord, which led to the liberation of France and Europe from Nazi occupation.

French re-enactors Pierre and his son Charles, pictured above, are representing the FNFL, Free French Navy and the RAF Air Sea Rescue.  The extensive tributes planned for this event are to include exhibitions, ceremonies and the re-enactment of motor torpedo boats and parachute drops from C-47 planes onto the beaches.

For more information about the 2016 events in Normandy you can go to or

 Thanks to Pierre for the photographs!

#Normandy #DDay  #Re-enactors  #Normandy2016